
Skills based growth for Individuals

Skills that help our individual "Mypsters" thrive in business and at work...

Our "SkillBusters" put the " i " into skills...

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How can MyperSkill help Individuals?

MyperSkill is a company that specialises in skills based training for individuals, companies and organisations.

Our individualMypsters” take the resources we provide and use those resources to develop and nurture their personal skills so that they can thrive and flourish in their business and work environment.

MyperSkill is about “My Personal Skill”

All our SkillBusters are specifically designed to improve our individual “Mypsters” knowledge, understanding and skills.

At MyperSkill we design and produce training resources that help our individual “Mypsters” become more efficient, creative and effective in what they do.  

Much of the training and resources we offer are online based.

But why “MyperSkill”?

How is MyperSkill different and why would it benefit me?

There are lots of training and educational resources both online and offline. We know that but we are not trying to he like them. Innovators are different by design, thought and process.

When we design a “SkillBuster” it is designed, from ground up, to be what you need, not what we think you individually need.   

We research our potential “SkillBusters” to provide what we know from research, investment and thinking “outside the box” is what real individual people have told us they need. Not what we think they need. 

 We want to make learning new skills, interesting, enjoyable, rewarding and even fun. 

It’s not like going back to school or sitting in some “course”. 

We don’t want you to just like what we do… we want you to love it!

We work extremely hard to achieve that goal. 

 Are we perfect? No (probably) … but perfection is absolutely what we are constantly striving for…

Become a “Mypster” and grow, thrive and flourish…. 



We aim to make learning even a difficult skill...

Possible.... even ... easy!

Learning difficult skills made easy